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 Australian False
    Memory Association (Incorporated)



The Australian False Memory Association was commenced in March 1995 by a group of persons affected by accusations of child abuse based solelyon so-called “Recovered Memories”. This organisation was formed out of a recognition that many individuals had been affected by false allegations of child abuse arising from such “Recovered Memories”, frequently by members of their own family. Tragically, as elsewhere in the world, the methods associated with Recovered Memories have been advocated and used within government and private services Australia-wide. Aware of the general ignorance about the nature of this, the AFMA was formed to ensure;

  • information and support to those affected
  • education for professionals and the general public, and,
  • a reasoned statement of concerns based on sound science and professional practise,
  • that professionals abide by their own stated Codes of Ethics and Practise

Unfortunately, the tragedy associated with recovered memories is continuing. Families and individuals are still being destroyed, and persons continue to be financially devastated by massive legal fees to defend themselves against false accusation based on recovered memories, with prosecutions and jailings continuing unnoticed. Given the widespread ignorance of the implications of such matters within welfare services, politics, and the law, the welfare of the abused also remains imperilled.

AFMA abhors child abuse in any form. However, until reason prevails, AFMA will remain..... Caring For Individuals And Families.



Australian False Memory
    Association (Incorporated)

Australian False Memory Association
Caring for Individuals and Families

Email the AFMA at false.memory@bigpond.com

PO Box 74
Campbelltown SA 5074

Ph: 1300 88 88 77

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